LBSC Policy and Bylaws

The Largs Bay Sailing Club has a range of policy documents to ensure that the sailing club is well managed, to promote the health and safety of our members and visitors to our club and to promote the conduct of sailing activities in a safe and efficient manner.
Largs Bay policy documents cover the following areas of club management:
Constitution of the Largs Bay Sailing Club
Club Administration
Member Health and Safety
Race Management
Select any of the above options to view policy documents related to that area of club management.
Largs Bay Sailing Club is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for employees and volunteers to ensuring the safety of members and visitors.
Largs Bay Sailing Club endorses the Member Protection Policies of Sailing Australia including their codes of behavior and disciplinary procedures.
Largs Bay Sailing Club will take all reasonable measures to control hazards and prevent incidents or accidents that could result in personal injury or ill health.
Largs Bay Sailing Club will ensure its activities conform to relevant state and federal legislation.
Effective management of Health & Safety risks depends on the commitment and co-operation of staff, volunteers and members. Largs Bay Sailing Club is committed to consulting with staff, volunteers and members in a meaningful and effective manner on safety issues, enabling each person to contribute to decisions that may affect their health, safety and welfare.
Largs Bay Sailing Club expects staff, volunteers, members and visitors to comply with its health and safety policies, procedures and guidelines, and to conduct themselves in a safe manner, not placing themselves or others at risk.
Contractors working on Largs Bay Sailing Club premises are also required to conduct their activities in a manner that ensures the safety, health and welfare of themselves, their employees and others.
COVID-19 Restrictions
All events, whether sailing or social, conducted at LBSC will be conducted in compliance with the current SA Goverment COVID-19 regulations. The management committee may publish additional guidelines on the club website to alert members to any special requirements.
Participants in sailing and social events hosted at the club shall comply with the current Government regulations and club guidelines.
President and Management Committee
Largs Bay SC