Boat Storage at Largs Bay Sailing Club

Availability of Boat Storage
The Largs Bay SC has boat storage areas both under cover and also open-air spaces in the southern boatyard, which is available for storage of member's boats.
Boat storage will only be offered to financial members, who sail their boat regularly in club events.
Boat spaces are allocated annually by the management committee, subject to suitable storage spaces being available.
The under-cover storage is located in the boat shed under the main clubroom building and in the two sheds in the southern boat yard, either the safety boat shed on the eastern side or the larger boat shed on the western side of the yard.
Persons applying for boat storage at the sailing club shall comply with the conditions of storage and the constitution, the by-laws and policies of the Sailing Club as they apply now and in the future. The offer of boat storage is not automatic, but is subject to availability of spaces and the approval of the management committee acting on behalf of the members of the Largs Bay SC.
The club may give notice (with an explanation) at any time to request that the boat be removed from storage at the LBSC. When notified, the owner shall respond within two weeks and remove the boat from the LBSC premises.
Conditions of Boat Storage
Any person wishing to store a boat at the Largs Bay Sailing Club shall meet the following criteria:
- The boat owner shall be a current financial sailing member of the Largs Bay Sailing Club.
- The period of storage shall be from the 1 September in the current year to 31 August in the following year.
- The fee for boat storage shall be invoiced annually and paid before 1 September to secure a place for the current season.
- The boat shall have current property and third party insurance during the period of storage at Largs Bay Sailing Club
- The owner shall sail the boat regularly during the current sailing season (at least twice per month), except that when the owner has more than one boat they may sail any of those boats to meet this condition.
- The owner must ensure the boat and relevant equipment are kept in the allocated space and the area is kept neat and tidy at all times.
- Items other than boats and sailing equipment must not be kept on-site for security reasons
- Boats stored outside or under the club house must be removed from the storage space and taken to the club lawns or beach for rigging to avoid congestion.
- Other boats stored under cover may be rigged in the space directly in front of their storage shed. Yard space is an operational requirement and safety issue so maximum open space must be kept available. Priority must be given to the safety boat fleet and vehicles and 'keep clear' areas observed at all times.
- Vehicles are not permitted to be parked in the yard except under special circumstances and no vehicles are allowed after 12pm on race days except for launching and retreiving.
- Boats not stored at the club are not allowed in the boat yard or sheds unless by special arrangement with the Vice Commodore.
- Saturday evening short term stay is allowed but the boat must be brought into the yard only after all other boats have been put away. The area in front of the water tank and shipping container is reserved for this purpose. Short term stay must be approved by the Commodore.
To apply for a storage space please contact Tim Cowen (LBSC Management Committee).
Contact details - Phone 0438 818 916 or email:
Tim will liaise with the committee to allocate an available space. Once a space is allocated you will be advised, and an invoice will be issued which will be due for payment prior to the boat being delivered to LBSC.
Should a suitable space not be available you will be added to a wait list and contacted as soon as space becomes available.
Management Committee
Largs Bay Sailing Club Inc.