Coronavirus (COVID-19) Policy at LBSC
Dear members and friends,
The Largs Bay Sailing Club management committee have been regularly assessing the COVID-19 updates and discussing our required responses.
It is important that members comply with Government directive as they are issued in response to the changing situation.
All events, whether sailing or social, conducted at LBSC will be conducted in compliance with the current SA Government COVID-19 regulations.
The management committee may publish additional COVID guidelines on the club website.
Participants in sailing and social events hosted at the club shall comply with the current Government regulations and club guidelines.
Please sign in at the door with your Covid-Safe Check-In or sign our Visitor's Book.
I wish to thank our members in advance for your support as we navigate through this confusing time and sincerely hope we will come out stronger on the other side.
Kym Downie
President, Largs Bay Sailing Club Inc.
Club Notice - 14th March 2020
Dear members and friends,
The management of the LBSC recommends that you read the following information and ask that you comply with club hygiene standard and precautions to minimise the risk of infecting our club members.
The World Health Organisation has now characterised the coronavirus (the virus) as a pandemic.
You would be aware that media outlets, Governments and Health organisations across the world have been providing up to the minute information and advice to the general public, some of which is listed for reference below.
You would also be aware that information regarding the virus is changing on a minute by minute basis meaning that this Bulletin is accurate as at midday, 13 March 2020. Please find below the latest Information and recommendations in relation to avoiding and treating the virus:
The coronavirus is spread from person to person through:
- Direct close contact with a person while they are infected;
- Close contact with a person with a confirmed infection who coughs or sneezes;
- Touching objects or surfaces (such as door handles or tables) contaminated from a cough or sneeze from a person with a confirmed infection, and then touching your mouth or face.
Most infections are only transmitted by people when they have symptoms.
These can include fever, a cough, sore throat, tiredness and shortness of breath.
The spread of coronavirus can be prevented by practising good hand and sneeze/cough hygiene by:
- Washing your hands frequently with soap and water, before and after eating, and after going to the toilet;
- Covering your cough and sneeze, dispose of tissues, and use alcohol based sanitiser;
- and if unwell, avoid contact with others (stay more than 1.5 metres from people)
Anyone returning from overseas in the past 14 days, should not be attending LBSC until the 14 day period has elapsed. Obviously similar action applies to recently returned patrons who are experiencing flu-like symptoms.
We will display a sign at the entrance of LBSC advising patrons that if they have returned from an overseas holiday in the past 14 days, or are exhibiting flu like symptoms, they are not permitted to enter the club until 14 days have passed or the symptoms have disappeared.
Authorities are referring to certain countries of high and/or medium risk, however as reports of the disease have also been reported from “low risk” countries, it we will include all overseas travel.
Everyone involved within the Club must adhere to the hygiene standards and precautions listed above and should any person within LBSC, such as paid or unpaid staff, Members etc display signs of the virus, they must immediately remove themselves from LBSC and consult a medical expert. Should the person be diagnosed with the virus then they must quarantine themselves for 14 days or as long as it takes to recover;
Further information can be found at the following link:
Matthew Carter
President, Largs Bay Sailing Club Inc.