LBSC Training Centre Operating Procedures
The LBSC Training Centre is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for staff, volunteers, course participants and visitors and will comply with all aspects of the LBSC OH&S Policies.
The Training Centre Operating Procedures document sets out the guidelines for staff and volunteers supporting training programs at the club.
View the LBSC Training Centre Operating Procedures Guidlines
Handbook for New Sailing Families
Welcome to the Largs Bay Sailing Club.
We are delighted you have decided to try sailing and join us at the LBSC.
This Handbook has been written to help you to navigate your way around the club environment,
particularly if you are a family who is completely new to sailing.
Handbook for New Sailing Families
Membership of Largs Bay Sailing Club
For insurance purposes, all sailors participating in Sail Training Programs shall be members of LBSC.
(Excluding Tackers and Out There Programs)
We require that your child become a club member, if they wish to participate in a training program.
Please complete a membership form and pay the "Youth Sailing Membership" fee.
Visit the Membership Information webpage to read more about membership and to Register on-line
or you can download and print a membership application form.
The Largs Bay Sailing Club Website
We suggest that you browse through this website, which is full of information about our club.
Training & Coaching Enquiries
Training Program enquiries should be referred to:
Peta Jones (Training Coordinator) Ph: 0416 278 812 or email: training2LargsBaySC@gmail.com