Notice of Race & Sailing Instructions

Regatta Documentation for events hosted by LBSC

The following documents shall apply for events hosted at LBSC unless a class provides alternate documentation
for a class regatta to be hosted by LBSC as the organising authority.  (Latest update: October 2022)

Notice of Race  (NoR)

The Notice of Race provides the following information about the event:

  • The conditions of eligibility, entry requirements and fees

  • The registration, measurement and racing program

  • Location and description of courses

  • Any special rules and requirements; eg: measurement, safety, etc.

  • Trophies and prizes to be awarded

Sailing Instructions  (SIs)

The Sailing Instructions provide race management information including:

  • Information about the conduct of racing

  • Schedule of races, warning and starting signals & procedures

  • Description of marks and courses and time limits

  • Protest procedure and arrangement for hearings

  • Methods of communication with competitors

  • Safety information and any special instructions

    View the current LBSC Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions (Amended October 2023)

Sailing Instructions for Special Regattas hosted by LBSC

Amendments to the NoR and SIs which apply for:

  • Special regattas conducted at LBSC; eg Aust Day Regatta

  • Club trophy races with special conditions

  • Class state championship heats and fleet races (if no class rules provided)

  • Other special events hosted by LBSC

    View the LBSC amended Sailing Instructions for Special Regattas

Bulk Nomination Fee for LBSC Club Races

A significant discount is offered to sailors who pay a Bulk Nomination, which covers entry fees for all programmed club races during a sailing season plus the Australia Day Regatta and the Polar Bear (Winter) Series.  Bulk Nomination may be paid by registering online on the link below.

     Register your Bulk Nomination for the current season

World Sailing - Racing Rules of Sailing  (revised every 4-years)

The current Racing Rules of Sailing apply to all club races and regattas conducted at LBSC.
Competitors should be familiar with the rules and use the rules fairly and tactically.

    View the currrent Racing Rules of Sailing and the Australian Sailing Special Regulations

    View and/or Print a Protest Form to lodge a protest (RRS 61) or request redress (RRS 62)

Introductory Rules for Racing (World Sailing) apply for "Green" fleet at LBSC

In order to assist newcomers to sailboat racing, the World Sailing body in 2008 produced a one-page version of Rules for Racing with some expanatary diagrams.  The introductory rules were developed as part of World Sailing's strategic plan to encourage new sailors to join the racing fleet without having the barrier of understanding the full rule requirements included in the RRS publication.

The introductory rules make it easier for new sailors to start racing safely knowing just one-page including the key racing rules.  The introductory rules of sailing keep things as simple as possible, while remaining compatible withe the principal and fundamental rules in the standard Racing Rules of Sailing.

A knowledge of the rules provides a safer environment for all racing sailors and encourages fair sailing by all competitors.

    View and/or Print a copy of the Introductory Rules for Racing


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